A Carbon Neutral Laptop Option

Apr 22 2022
by Nirav Patel
Marine Pollution

Our mission is to remake Consumer Electronics to respect people and the planet.  We’re reducing environmental impact by designing products to last longer through easy repair and upgrade, maximizing use of recycled and recyclable materials, and finding ways to extend life through re-use, and we’re always looking for opportunities to do better.  Today, we’re excited to introduce an option to make your Framework Laptop fully carbon neutral through carbon capture and sequestration.  To celebrate Earth Day, all Framework Laptop orders through this Sunday, April 24th have $100 USD of carbon capture included for free!

We estimate that manufacturing and transporting a Framework Laptop generates a third of a metric ton of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions.  Most of the emissions come from processing materials like aluminum and steel and from energy-intensive chip fabrication.  We’d love to see foundries and fabs improve their energy sources, but instead of waiting, we’re setting up a path to sink the same amount of carbon instead.  We’re enabling the option for carbon neutrality by buying carbon capture and sequestration from carbon suppliers and reselling it through the Framework Marketplace.  We’re committed to building a climate-conscious product ecosystem, so we’re doing this entirely at cost, passing through the pricing we pay and eating payment processing fees.

Our first supplier is Running Tide, an amazing startup based in Maine that is literally sinking carbon in the ocean through floating bio-buoys that grow kelp microforests over a period of months and then sink to the ocean floor, sequestering carbon for hundreds to thousands of years.  The carbon sequestration industry is brand new, and Running Tide is one of the first companies to deliver practical carbon capture at commercial scale, with a path to bringing down costs in the future.  We’ll continue to look for opportunities to fund creative startups in this industry to collectively scale up from kilotons to megatons and eventually the gigatons that are needed to head off climate change.

We’ve purchased 334 metric tons at $300/ton, which covers 1,000 Framework Laptops worth of emissions at $100/laptop.  We’ll continue to buy more inventory as all of you order it.  We’re designing ways to introduce this into the Framework Laptop ordering flow, while in the meantime you can pick it up directly from the Framework Marketplace to add to your order.  Feel free to make your existing Framework Laptop carbon neutral or even buy carbon capture totally separately from a laptop!

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